answer the three questions for each situation.write your answers in the box

situation 1. You accidentally broke an expensive glassware while playing and this made your mother angry, As a punishment, she spanked you.
- it was all my fault, so I won't do anything because it's just disciplined
situation 2. you talked to your seatmate while your teacher was discussing the lesson. As a result he got very angry and said words to you
- do nothing and just don't do it again
situation 3. you saw your classmate outside the school extorting money from a younger student.
- tell a teacher before anything happens
situation 4. you notice your seatmate has scars on his arms, they look like blademarks. when you confronted him he told you that it was only a tripping.
- comfort him and tell him that I'm gonna listen to all his problems and be there for him when no one else would
situation 5. Your bestfriend revealed to you that she is being molested by her uncle.
- say that I'm sorry that happened to her, and comfort her, also tell her to report that and tell her parents so the uncle would stop
Yan po mga sagot ko