LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETS Grade 4 - Science Activity 4 Directions: Crossword puzzle. Fill in the box with the letter that corresponds to your answer. 3 2 6 5 00 ACROSS 1 - some light passes through the object DOWN: 2- produced due to the vibration of particles in an object 5 - fastest medium for sound to 3 - light completely passes travel through the object 7-no light passes through the 4- a medium where sound object moves very slowly. 8 - example of a conductor 6- movement occurs due to the rising of hot materials paired with sinking cold materials. 9- example of an insulator 10 - emission of light from its source Specific Week: Week 4-5 (LAS 3) Target Competency: Describe how light, sound and heat travel (S4FE-IM-3-4) (This Is a Government Property. Not For Sale)