
II. Match each characteristics in Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your
correct answer.
11. Health Information
a. are tools for transfer of information,
12. Mass media
concepts and ideas to both general and
13. Food
specific guidelines.
14. Health products
b. a health products that you can buy
15. Health services
without prescription.
16. Plain Folk
c. it includes all services dealing with
17. Rewards
the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
18. Testimonial
d. a print/non-print materials that gives
19. Glittering Generalities
information to general and specific
20. Bandwagon
e. any nourishing substances that is
eaten, drunk or otherwise taken into
the body to sustain life, provided energy
and promote growth.
f. Bonus rewarded for purchasing a product
g. Everyone is usingand you should
h. A mother using a product
i. A youtube sensation endorsing a product.
j. Beautiful, colourful and loved plants.​

II Match Each Characteristics In Column A With Column B Write The Letter Of Yourcorrect AnswerA COMPONENTB CHARACTERISTICS11 Health Informationa Are Tools For T class=