Directions: Describe the two seasons by Encircling the letter of the correct answer.
1. Some countries experienced four seasons. The Philippines has experienced only two distinct seasons. What are these two distinct seasons of the Philippines? b. wet and dry c. dry and dry d. summer and winter a wet and wet
2. What is the all year round climate present in the Philippines? d. rainy and sunny a. warm and humid b. hot and dry c. cold and dry
3. People living in Sumirap are mostly farmers, at what particular time of the year they usually b. dry season a. wet season d. spring season c. winter season
4. During what particular season do farmers usually harvest their crops? a. wet season b. dry season C. summer season d. winter season
5. What are some bad effects of too much rain? a. landslides b. mudflows c. erosion d. all of these