1. It refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury or property damage. a. fire safety b. earthquake c. fire drill d. earthquake drill 2. Is the constitutional law designed to make sure that all Filipinos have air that is safe to breathe. a. public air law b, clean air act C. safe air act d. safe air law 3. Protection against dust, awful odor and harmful substance a. face shield b. electric fan C, face mask d. sunglass 4. A waste that is dry in form and is discarded as unwanted a. solid waste b. liquid waste c. biodegradable d. non-biodegradable 5. A waste that human waste, runoff (storm water or flood water) sullage, industrial waste water and other forms of waste water from different sources. a. solid waste b. liquid waste c. biodegradable d. non- biodegradable 6. Minimizing the effects of disaster.