
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.
1. What will happen when two like charges are brought together? They will
A. repel each other
C. neutralize each other
B. attract each other
D. have no effect on each other
2. Which of the following DOES NOT allow electrical charges to flow
A. Copper
B. Metal rod C. Rubber D. Silver
3. Rubbing a balloon on hair is an example of static charge build up created
A. conduction B. friction
C. induction D. reduction
4. A type of charging process where an object can be charged without
actual contact to any other object.
A. Charging by induction
C. Charging by friction
B. Charging by reduction
D. Charging by conduction
5. When an object is positively charged, it has
A. no protons
C. fewer electrons than protons
B. no electrons
D. more electrons than protons
6. In a transverse wave, the motion of the particles is the wave's
direction of propagation.
A. along
C. opposite from
B. perpendicular to
D. parallel to
7. Longitudinal waves occur when the individual particles of a medium
in the direction in which the waves travel.
A. Back and forth
C. upward
B. along
D. Straight
8. Energy from the sun reaches the earth through
A. infrared waves
C. mechanical waves
B. ultraviolet waves
D. electromagnetic waves
9. Waves
from one place to another
A. frequency
C. center of rarefaction
B. transfer energy
D. maximum displacement
10. All are example of electromagnetic waves except.
A. visible light
C. sound waves
B. radio waves
D. X-rays
11. In what direction does heat travel through the chicken soup inside the
A. From bottom to top
C. From top to bottom
B. Sideways to the right D. Sideways to the left​