DIONISIO136521160202IN DIONISIO136521160202IN Science Answered 1.Which soil has the lowest water holding capacity?A.loamB.sandC.clayD.stilt2.Which type of soil contains the highest amount of humus?A.stiltB.loamC.sandD.clay3.It is the best type of soil for growing vegetables?A.clayB.loamC.sandD.stilt4.It is rich in nutrients and has good water retaining capabilitiesA.sandB.stiltC.loamD.clay5.Compacts easily and hinders the movement of air and waterA.stiltB.clayC.sandD.loam6.These particles are mixed with cement for constructing roads, buildings, and houses.A.sandB.clayC.loamD.stilt7.This type of soil is used in making pots and jarA.clayB.stiltC.sandD.loam8.These particles are usually deposited in low areas after the floodA.stiltB.loamC.sandD.claypasagot po pls kailangan na ih