MIKKOINFANTE719IN MIKKOINFANTE719IN English Answered I. Directions: Write A if the following is an example of an argument and N if it is not.________1. Are you serious? Stop doing that!________2. Obesity has become a problem of many women because obesity rates have risen over the past years.________3. Animal abuse laws in most countries are so lenient that offenders face almost no punishment, so stronger, stricter law must be imposed to protect animals.________4. First, I watched Netflix, and then I ate lunch. At noon, I decided to go out with my friends. I missed them.________5. As generation of students enter college, it is time for higher education to use gaming to appeal to students and make learning more engaging.________6. Justine is angry with me, so she probably won’t accompany me to the party.________7. Divorce should be legalized in our country. There are many women suffering from abusive relationship.________8. Here you go again. Please, stop complaining.________9. Elena showed me her artwork, and I was very surprised to see how talented she is.________10. If the floor wasn’t slippery, she wouldn’t have fallen into an accident.