
identify what is being asked.

1.it is a type of evidence that state the truth from a certain person made under oath in a court or testimonies offered to prove the truth of the matter

2.it is a type of question that asks you to answer whether or not something is true and it is a answerable by yes or no

3.it is a pieces of writing that tell a story or entertain

4.it is a type of writing that offers the opportunity to convince the reader listener to adapt a particular viewpoint or to believe in what the writer is telling

5.it presents an issue surrounding a particular topic usually one that is debatable and open to arguments

6.it informs and instructs or persuades that reader by giving facts or information

7.it introduces the problem and gives the background and information needed for the argument and the thesis statement

8. it is a type of question that address that relative merit (godness or badness)of something

9.it is a type of evidence collected in a casual or information manner and relying heavenly of inter of person testimony

10.the body of the essay as a part of an argumentative essay where it contains the reasons it is a three or more paragraphs that explain the reason why you support your thesis ​​