1. needle thread package
A needle threader is a device for helping to put thread through the eye of a needle. Many kinds exist, though a common type combines a short length of fine wire bent into a diamond shape, with one corner held by a piece of tinplate or plastic.
2. stitch selector panel
Allows you to choose the specific stitch you want to use for your project. Different projects will require different stitches. You can also use the stitch selector to select one of the ì stitches built into your sewing machine.
3. stitch length
Stitch length is basically how long each stitch is sewn by your sewing machine. Changing the stitch length adjusts the feed dogs, which controls how much fabric is pulled through with each stitch. For a shorter length, less fabric is pulled through. For a longer stitch, more fabric is pulled through.
4. motor on/off (switch)
Motor contactors
Simply closing such a switch to send three-phase power to the motor will cause it to start up while opening the three-pole switch will cut power to the motor to make it turn off.
5. clutch motor
Clutch Motors
These motors run on Alternating Current (AC) and gain speed up to 2850 RPM within a span of a few seconds like the electrical fans. Once they attain the full speed, they keep running at it, irrespective of whether the pedal of the machine is pressed or not.
6. knee lifter
The knee joint/knee litter is a hinge type synovial joint, which mainly allows for flexion and extension (and a small degree of medial and lateral rotation). It is formed by articulations between the patella, femur and tibia.
7. foot pedal/accelerator
A foot pedal (also called a WAV pedal) is used in medical transcription because it enables you to control dictation playback with your toes. You can play, rewind, and fast forward by tapping different sections of the pedal with the front of your foot