ASSESSMENT 1 A. Directions: Match Column A with the descriptions in Column 8 Write the letter of your choice in the space provided before each item Column Column B 1.WASHING MACHINE 2.BOTTLE STERELIZER 3.STETHOSCOPE 4.FOOD TONG 5.FOOD PROCESSOR 6.THERMOMETER A. It destruct microorganisms in container B.A multi-tasking tool used in preparing food C. It removes moisture through ventilation D. It is used for listening to the action of the E. It is an instrument for grasping and holding F.A long-handled spoon with a deep bow for serving food specially broth or G. It is used along with an ironing board, to iron clothing, fabric or draperies. H.A handled pan or scoop into which dust is sw LA cloth or brush which is used in removing dir J. An instrument for measuring temperature. 7.DUSTER 8.DUSTPAN 9.FLAT IRON 10.LADLE