Part 1: Multiple Choice Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter in your Science activity notebook
1. It is a blanket of air that protects the earth from ultraviolet radiation and meteors. A. Atmosphere B. Clouds C. Water vapor D. Wind
2. Which of the following is NOT a major component of the atmosphere? A. Argon B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Ozone
3. What is the ozone layer's function? A. Keep oxygen in B. Allow meteors to get to Earth C. Allow Ultraviolet (UV) rays to get to Earth D. Block Ultraviolet (UV) rays from getting to Earth
4. Which phenomenon can be seen only in the ionosphere? A. Ozone layer B. Aurora Borealis C. Highlands D. Water vapor
5. What is the correct sequence of the layers of the atmosphere from the ground up to the space? A. Troposphere - Stratosphere – Mesosphere - Thermosphere - Exosphere B. Exosphere - Thermosphere - Mesosphere - Stratosphere - Troposphere C. Troposphere - Stratosphere - Thermosphere - Mesosphere - Exosphere D. Exosphere - Mesosphere - Thermosphere - Stratosphere - Troposphere