
pine sea.
II. Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow. (2 pts, each)
The Ifugao Rice Terraces is an ideal example of a living cultural landscape of beauty beyond compare.
The Ifugao Rice Terraces is a valuable contributions of our ancestors to mankind. They were built 2,000
years ago and passed on through generations and an example of an ancient civilization that overcame
challenges passed by modernization.
Built on steeper slopes of high mountains and the careful carving of the natural shapes of hills, the Ifugao
Rice Terraces has complex irrigation systems. Water comes from the forests of the mountain tops.
The maintenance of the living rice terraces that the whole community works as one. It is based on the
knowledge of the rich variety of biological resources which exist in the Ifugao agri-ecosystem.
1. What is the selection all about?
2. What did you feel after reading the selection ?
3. How do the Rice Terraces reflect the culture of the Ifugao?​