CHARLENE7361IN CHARLENE7361IN Physics Answered IRECTIONS: Choose the best answer and encircle it.1. Which of these tissues support the young plants and woody plants? a. dermal tissues c. parenchyma tissue b. collenchyma tissue d. schlerenchyma tissues 2. Spermatozoa is propelled by ___. a. wiggling of cilia b. wave motion of cilia c. rotating thread-like flagellum d. undulating thread-like flagellum3. Which of the following statements is NOT a cell modification that leads to adaptation? a. Plant cells have a large amount of the chloroplast which allows the cell to undergo photosynthesis. b. Muscle cells are made up primarily of a pair of special proteins called actin and myosin which allows muscle to contract. c. Nerve cells have specialized structure called dendrites which receive an electrical signal from another neuron and an axon which transmits the electrical signal to another neuron. d. None of the above. 4. In this phase, the cell grows larger (organelles replicate and cell size doubles) and chromosomes unwind as chromatin. a. First Gap b. Second Gap c. Mitotic phase d. Synthesis phase 5. What happens specifically during the synthesis phase? a. the cell grows, produces proteins b. the cell grows more, retains the centrosomes c. the cell divides to two daughter cells with the same genetic material d. the genetic materials are copied, and the centrosomes are duplicated 6. During which phase in the cell cycle does mitosis (cell division) happen? a. First Gap b. M phase c. Second Gap