Study the table below and answer questions 13-14
The Speed of Sound and Light in Different Media
Speed of Sound (m/s)
5, 971
Speed of Light (m/s)
13. According to the table, in which medium is the speed of the sound the fastest and
the speed of light the slowest?
a Glass
b. water
C. air
d. vacuum
14. According to the table, which medium is able to transmit light?
a. Glass
b. water
C. air
d. vacuum
15. The change in the direction of light due to the change in speed is
a. Reflection b. refraction
c. transmission d. polarization
16. The measures the intensity or loudness of a sound wave.
a deribel
c. meters per second
b. Hertz
d. watts per square meter
17. What term refers to how high or low a note that a listener hears?
a. Volume b. energy C. amplitude d. pitch
18. The most common type of hearing loss in teenagers and young adults is due to
d. aging
a. Injury
c. loud noise or music
b. Infection or disease
19 What do hats and dolphins use to locate their food and navigate?
a. Their sight
c. infrasound
b. Echolocation
d. ultrasound
20. Sound waves with frequencies beyond 20,000 Hz are called
a. Ultrasound
C. sonar
b. Infrasound
d. echolocation
21 Lengthening the air column in a brass or woodwind instrument will cause the pitch
a. Get higher
c. stay the same
b. Get lower
d. get louder
22. Which of the following would make a high pitch in a stringed instrument?
a. Plucking a long string
b. Plucking a thin string
C. Plucking the string harder
d. Plucking loose string
23. The human voice is the result of
a. Lungs pulling the air through the nose
b. Vibrations in the vocal cords
C. The placement of the teeth in the mouth
á vioisi air exiting ine iungs
24. When a piece of plastic is placed on the page of a book, the words can be read
easily. The plastic can best be described as being
a. opaque b. Transcluent
c. Transparent d. Reflective