Activity 1. relationship and a cross (x) if it does not. Write your answer on your answer sheet Use a check mark () if the sentence expresses a cause-and-effect 1. The abandoned building collapsed because of the explosions of the dynamites. 2. My mother forgot to bring her wallet before, that is why she always checks her bag before she goes. 3. Drinking water is better than drinking soft drinks, 4. Running is more recommended than walking because running burns more calories, 5. I failed the first exam, so I studied hard to pass the next exam. 6. Landslides and floods are caused by strong typhoons. 7. It was hard to lift a table, so I asked my friends to help me. 8. I was sleepy because I spent my time in playing mobile games than resting 9. I never brush my teeth as a result I have five cavities. 10. Eating green vegetables is healthier than eating meat more often