SUMMATIVE TEST # 3 1. Using data below determine the percentile rank of Accountants and auditors' salary among the other Jobs. (Percentile Rank for Ungrouped Data) Write your answers on a separate sheet of pad paper. ESTIMATED MONTHLY SALARY Arcraft Piots, Navigator and Flight Engineers Civil Engineer Pop a 331 Pap 03,957 PhD-77 Pap 52,321 Sistem incasts and Desiuners Computer Engineers Accountants and auditors Production Superior S Foremen Pap 4-750 Purp 4-11 Pag 4 20 PERFORMANCE TASK# 3 II. Find how many percent of the scores are greater than the cumulative frequency of 38 in the Mathematics test scores of 50 students. Write your answers on a separate sheet of pad paper. (Grouped Data) frequency 4 8 46 Scores 46-50 41-43 36-40 31-35 26-30 21-25 11 27 18. 6 6​