1.Customers are usually attracted to the beauty and appeal of a product when buying something. 2.bamboo is usually made into vases,plant boxes and wall decors. 3.finished products that are enhanced and decorated tend to be more saleable to customers. 4.enhancements and decoration do not contribute to the durability of a certain of a finished product. 5.enhancing a product does not encrease the profit of an entrepreneur. 6.many philippine products are in demand both in local and international markets because of their unique designs and quality craftsmanship. 7.decorating a product does not entice customers with its place value. 8.enhancements improve the overall quality of a product. 9.applying creative designs innovative techniques to enhance and decorate products make them more marketable. 10.its better to use more expensive decorations and designs.the more expensive.the more saleable the product would be.