6. Refers to animal parts that are used for food?
A. Beef C. Pork
B. Meat D. Poultry
7. This contributes to the flavor of meat?
A. Fat C. Marbling
B. Ligament D. Connective tissues
8. The large percentage in the muscle tissue of an animal.
A. Carbohydrates C. Protein
B. Fat D. Water
9. The white flecks and fat streaks that is stored within the lean meat pieces.
A. Barding C. Connective tissue
B. Marbling D. Muscle fiber
10. The term for adding surface fat.
A. Barding C. Marbling
B. Carving D. Skinning
11. This knife is used to section and trimming raw meat.
A. Boning knife C. Cleaver knife
B. Butcher’s knife D. French knife
12. A flexible tool used to chop, dice, slice meat and other ingredients.
A. Boning knife C. Chef’s knife
B. Butcher’s knife D. Cleaver knife
13. A table knife used to cut steak.
A. Boning knife C. French knife
B. Carving knife D. Steak knife
14. This is a sharp knife used to cut thin slices of meat.
A. Butcher’s knife C. French knife
B. Carving knife D. Steak knife
15. It has thin blade and pointed tip used to debone meat.
A. Boning knife C. Chef’s knife
B. Carving knife D. French knife
16. The fat meat contributes EXCEPT...
A. Juiciness C. Flavor
B. Tenderness D. Oil
17. The mallard reaction, takes place when meats are browned by roasting, broiling
or sautéing.
A. Fat C. Protein
B. Carbohydrates D. Calories
18. The water component of a meat is composing of 70% of muscle tissue.
A. 70% C. 50%
B. 60% D. 40%