
Directions: Write True if the stament tells about the good decision making in the
selection of health products and protection from fraudulent health products
and False if 1.In making good decision, you weigh the good and bad points of a health
2.you make your decision based on the advantages that you get from the product.
3. All health products should be trusted.
4. Ask advice from the persons who are knowlegeable about the product you
want to purchase.
5. Accept others opinion regarding the health product.
6. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is the government agency
that supervises complaints on the sale of products.
7. Exercise your consumer rights and responsibilities.
8. You purchased the health product because you see good impression to
the rich or wealthy people using the product.
9. Awareness and vigilance are very important.
10. Be aware of your rights as a consumer.​