Guide Questions: 1. Refer to figure 1. In June, which hemisphere receives direct rays from the Sun-the Northern Hemisphere of Southern Hemisphere? A. In June, the Northern Hemisphere receives direct rays from the Sun. This is the reason why it is warm during this time in the Northern Hemisphere. Actually, from April to August, different countries just north of the equator will receive direct rays and experience summer. B. In June, the Southern Hemisphere receives direct rays from the Sun. 2. Refer to figure 2, In Which month is the North Pole titled away from the Sun-in June or December? A. The North Pole is titled toward the Sun in June. That means that the northern hemisphere is also titled toward the sun in June. B. The North Pole is tilted away from the Sun in December. That means that the northern hemisphere is also titled away from the Sun in December. 3. Refer to figure 3 In December, which hemisphere receives direct rays from the Sun-the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere? A. Northern Hemisphere will not receive direct rays, it will become cold and winter starts, snow will fall. B. In December, which Southern Hemisphere receives direct rays from the sun. Therefore, it will be summer in the Southern Hemisphere in December. That is strange to hear for people like us who live in the Northern Hemisphere. Since the Northern Hemisphere will not receive direct rays, it will become cold and winter starts, snow will fall. 4. Refer to figure 4.Which motion do the arrows in the diagram represent? A. Sun's rotation revolution B. earth's revolution