TASK 1: LAND BREEZE AND SEA BREEZE DIRECNON: Complete the statement based on the given illustrations about breezes. Use the words below. land air colder high low rises Sear During the day, when the sun comes up, the land gets than the ocean. The above the land gets hot too and is less dense, so it Meanwhile the air over the Ocean is /denser and falls. The falling dense alr pressure over the ocean and the rising thin air creates low pressure over the land. A sea breeze develops from the to the Land Breeze During the night, when the sun is down, the land gets than the ocean. The air above the land gets cold too and is less dense and rises. The sinking dense air creates pressure over the land and the rising air creates pressure over the ocean. A land breeze develops from the to the MONSOONS AND ITCZ: Use the following words​