MARAHJANELAORLINOIN MARAHJANELAORLINOIN Science Answered PosttestRead the questions below and write your answer on a sheet of paper.1. Which materials are good conductors of heat?A. feather B. aluminumC. plastic D. wood2. Which of the following materials is an electrical conductor?A. silver B. silver-colored plasticC. corn D. rubber3. Which among the following materials is useful in cooking food?A. metal fork B. plastic glass C. ceramic pot D. aluminum casserole4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?A. brass B. alloy C. ironD. gold neon5. Materials that blocks an electric current from flowing are called _________A. insulators B. convectorsC. conductors D. radiators6. You can protect yourself from the harmful effects of conductors by using _______.A. conductors B. insulatorsC. convectors D. radiators7. Which of the following produces heat?A. looking at fire B. rubbing one's palms togetherC. pointing at someone D. opening one's mouth8. Which of the following effects illustrate when a person suffers from severe electric burn?A. Increase in volumeC. Increase in temperatureB. Electric shockD. Magnetics effects9. An object that does not allow electricity to pass through is called __________A. insulatorC. static electricityB. electromagnetD. conductor10. Why is a severe electric shock dangerous?A. It can cause burns.B. It can stop the heart from breathingC. It can interfere with breathingD. All of the above