Upgraded Crossword Directions: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue. The clues given are the meaning of each word. After completing the word, write 1 synonym of each word, and write one sentence using the word in the crossword puzzle. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 6. 3. U W 7. 5. 1. a 8 f с t a T V f R e 2.pl 2.pl s S d Answer Synonym Use in a Sentence Word Meaning (clues) Across 1. adjective great or impressive in deed 2. adjective showing or feeling pleasured towards something or someone 3. noun a hole in the ground made by an animal 4. adjective made to feel pleased Down 5. noun planting of wood or trees 6. adjective right or appropriate for a particular purpose 7. adjective regarded with great respect or privileged