
Directions: Fil in the blanks with word or group of words to complete the in time for sentence.

1. Chemicals should be rightly _____ to avoid detrimental mistakes.
2. Injuries, illnesses and accidents on job should be _____ immediate action.
3. The ____ is used as warning of fire.
4. The way out in the event of fire is ____.
5. The collection transport and process of managing the disposal of waste is _____.
6. Keep yourself _____ to avoid being electrocuted.
7. The process of removing or neutralizing harmful materials that have gathered on worker or equipment during a response to chemical incident is called _____.
8. In food preparation, the PPE is the _____ wich gives protection against hazard during ſood preparation.
9.That which protects one against burns when taking hot items on top of the stove
is the _____.
10.The treatment of materials through a process of making them suitable or beneficial is called _____.​