
Article 1
"What we can say about Manila Bay, it's already clean. All the waters that go to the bay from the "esteros" are
already clean. So in other words, the purpose of the continuing mandamus is having clean water, and if you will ask
me if I am satisfied, I am satisfied because the waters are clean."
-Chief Justice Diosdado Peralta-
Article 2
It was nice to look at, but there were several issues being raised in connection with the creation of a "white beach"
along Manila's Baywalk: the cost and timing of the construction, and its sustainability. One concern was how
long the area can serve as a model. Keeping the shoreline clean and the water quality safe for swimming will require
sustained compliance with sewage and solid waste management regulations, not just along the bay but also aff over
Metro Manila, where most of the rivers and tributaries wash out into the bay. There are also concerns that
the meter-high layer of "white sand" might simply be washed away in the next storm surge to hit the bay.​

Article 1What We Can Say About Manila Bay Its Already Clean All The Waters That Go To The Bay From The Esteros Arealready Clean So In Other Words The Purpose Of class=