PERFORMANCE: 20 points Come on! Complete me! (How to Adjust Carburetor) Instruction: Use the words below to complete the sentence Locate you're your car's 1.
then remove it. This may be the first step for you. If it is, make sure that the car's engine is 2. Look for adjustment Now that your carburetor is in plain sight, you should be able to see a couple of adjustment screws. They should be right on the 4. of the carburetor unit. Start the engine to 5. it up. Locate your vehicle's 6. gauge. If your car engine runs 7. it will ping at a higher 8. once the throttle is open. This would be as if you were flooding the gear. If your car engine runs 9. any changes in the sound will be hardly noticeable but you will be able to smell it. Bring the throttle lower to minimize fuel requirement. Start 10. the two screws. By now you would need to adjust the two screws at an 11. This part of the procedure is like 13. and steady 12 -tuning a guitar on any other string 14. It requires that you turn the two screws equally at a 15. but sure pace. Your goal by doing this is to find the right mixture of air and fuel to enter and leave the carburetor, or as mechanics call it: the 16. Whether your car has been running too lean or too rich, you would need to adjust the screws to a very lean 17. by tuming them both by a18. at the same time. Do this in a counter-19. direction then slowly tuming it back up to its original position to acquire a smooth mixture of the elements. Replace your car engine's air 20. air filter turned off screw temperature lean fine warm assembly quarter front RPM clockwise blend pace adjusting equal slow "sweet spot" instrument