
9. What is the source of electricity in a simple electric circuit?
A. wet cell
B. body cell C. dry cell
D. electric cell
10. Which of the following is NOT a component of an electric circuit?
A. power supply B. resistance C. switch
D. insulator
11. What component does this circuit symbol represent?
A. dry cell
B. buzzer
C. capacitor D. switch
12. Which device protects the circuit from damage if a short circuit occurs?
A. battery
B. fuse
C. bulb D. electromagnet
13. The following shows how electricity is used except one. Which one is it?
A. Light bulbs use electricity to produce heat.
B. Radio uses electricity to produce sound.
C. Oven toaster uses electricity to produce heat.
D. Electricity can be produced by transforming mechanical energy into
electrical energy
14. Electric energy is commonly used because
A. it is clean.
C. it is cheap
B. it can be changed into other
D. it is the only available energy.
forms of energy
15. What happens when the switch is on?
A. Electricity flows in a complete circuit.
B. Electricity flown in an open circuit.
C. Electricity does not flow in a complete
D. Electricity stops flowing.​