
ctivity 2. Let’s try Analogy

Direction: Read each statement carefully.

Write A if the first statement is True and the second statement is False.

Write B if the first statement is False and the second statement is True.

Write C if both statements are True, and

Write D if both statements are False.

____1. A. A sense of belongingness among individuals is develop when one becomes

a part of a community.

B. We can see, touch and directly experience a community.

____2. A. A community in some senses may not even have a physical location but be

demarcated by a group of people with a common interest.

B. A community is not just about the people who are in it.

____3. A. Community dynamics is the capacity to influence that bring about change.

B. The behavior of power actors can break or make community development


____4. A. Power actors are powerful producers of relationships that connect people

to people.

B. A community will only exist when all its residents are born.

___ 5. A. A community may have members who have temporarily moved to other


B. The degree of improvement of a community relies on community dynamics.​