Sequencing Event Directions: Arrange in chronological order the development of the periodic table. Write letters from A to Eon the space provided. 1. John Newlands (Great Britain) arranged the elements in order of their increasing atomic weights into sets of eight elements called Law of Octaves. 2. Antoine Lavoisier (France) arranged the elements into groups of simple substances that do not decompose by any means. 3. Dmetri Mendeleev (Russia) arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic weights in a graphical method; but in addition, he left gaps for still undiscovered elements. 4. Johann W. Dobereiner (Sweden) arranged the elements in triads. 5. Lothar Meyer (Germany) arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weights in graphical method made by plotting atomic volume against the relative atomic mass explaining the anomalies in Newland's Table.