
Examples of Values, Beliefs and Desirable qualities below. There
are so many values beliefs and desirable qualities that influence the way
people behave. There are just some examples. Are any of the words you wrote
to describe your role model on the list?​

Sagot :

Self-direction eg freedom, creativity

Stimulation e.g. exciting life, daring

Hedonism e.g. pleasure, self-indulgent

Achievement e.g. ambitious, successful

Power e.g. wealth, authority

Security e.g. social order, family security, cleanliness

Conformity e.g. politeness, self-discipline, respect

Tradition e.g. respect for traditions, modest, humble, devout

Benevolence e.g. loyal, responsible, helpful, forgiving

Universalism e.g. equality, wisdom, world of peace, social justice, protecting the environment

Lists of personal values can be indefinite but research has shown a value will generally fit into one of those 10 types. There is no set of ideal values and everyone will have their own list of values with unique importance assigned to each one.[3] [5]

Personal values may and may not correlate with a person’s behaviour. Some values may be practised by an individual and executed in daily life. A personal value may be important to someone, but they are not implementing it in their daily life, and they would like to implement it. And an individual may have a set of personal values that is not in line with their behaviour. [6]

Personal Beliefs


“Core beliefs are defined as fundamental, inflexible, absolute, and generalised beliefs that people hold about themselves, others, the world, and/or the future”[7]. We use beliefs to help us understand the world around us. A person’s beliefs will guide them in their decision making and response to situations. Beliefs are usually formed in childhood or any other significant formative experience.