1.: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Identify whether it claims a Fact, Value, or Policy. 1. Research studies are conducted to improve human condition. 2. Musical comedy is the best form of entertainment. 3. Fetal tissue should be banned in any research undertaking. 4. The government should continue to offer scholarship programs especially to the poor but bright students. 5. Communication is better than computation. 6. Climate Change has already become an issue in the country, 7. Success of teaching depends upon the creativity of the teacher. 8. Staying with the family with a limited income is more valuable that being away earning a lot. 9. Gender equality needs to be strengthened in the academe. 10. Those who are exposed to technology have greater chances of attaining success in the workplace. 11. Living in the countryside is better than living in the city. 12. Other planets have already been visited by people. 13. Football is more exciting than basketball. 14. ASEAN Integration should be made part of the curriculum. 15. Following healthy diet with enough rest and exercise will make you healthy. 16. Birds are the most lovable pets. 17. Law is more encompassing profession than Medicine. 18. Students should wear their identification card anytime, anywhere in the school campus. 19. The BPO industry should hire single individuals. 20. Using the solar energy can help homeowners save money,