1 Learn This 2 At the end of this module, you are expected to describe the characteristics of a research determine the processes writing research, and 3. elaborate the ethics of a research 2. Introduction The call to conduct a research even though how hard it appears is highly necessary. It is part of the K to 12 curricula implemented by the Department of Education. Conducting a research study serves as one of the most important competencies you must acquire as students before you eventually finish the Senior High School curriculum. The leaming you have after taking up the Practical Research subjects serve as your knowledge pre-requisite for college learning. Basically, research is conducted to answer an existing phenomenon. According to Shodhganga (2016), research is a “process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions. Without conducting a research, an existing problem will never be answered and addressed. Research has its characteristics, processes and ethical standards which are relevant to ensure its success. The conduct of research is definitely important to provide meaning of the world and to give answers to questions that presently exist.