JASPERCAUZON07IN JASPERCAUZON07IN Math Answered A. In solving problems involving parallelograms, the following properties mustbe considered1. In parallelogram, any two_______sides are congruent.2. In parallelogram, any two______angles are congruent.3. In a parallelogram, any twoangles are supplementaryThe diagonals of a parallelogram_____each otherB. In solving problems involving trapezoid, the following theorems must beapplied5. The median of a trapezoid is________the sum of the lengths of the6. The base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are_______7. The opposite angies of an isosceles trapezoid are_______8. The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are_______c. In solving problems involving late, the following theorems must be used:9. In a kite, the________of at least one diagonal is the otherdingonal10. The area of a kite is_______the measure of the lengths of itsdiagonals