
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer
c. low
1. We can control sources of noise, what noise is uncontrollable?
a thunder
b. radio
c. television
d. noise outside
2. Why do we need to plant trees to control the noise?
a. it absorbs energy
c. It absorbs hear
b. it absorbs light
d. it absorbs sounds and vibrations
3. To decrease the level of sound you can use the following except one
a. carplugs
b. closing doors
c. cover your ears d. carphones
4. Practice closing doors and windows to avoid
coming from outside
a. air
b. water
c. noise
d. people
5. Practice speaking invoice can help control noise pollution.
a loud
b. shout
d high
6. Practicing to tum off radio or TV set while not in use can help reduce
a. noise
b. air
c. water
d. all of the above
7. Temporary loss of hearing after exposure to sound is?
a. auditory fatigue b. deafness
c. occupational HL d. all of the above
8. Pollution that is often overlooked
a air pollution b. noise pollution
c. water pollution d. land pollution
9. Noise can affect sleeping partems leading to imtability, fatigue and lack of sleep making you less efficient
in school and work
a deafness b. Loss of efficiency
c. Auditory fatigue d. Trouble in speech
10. Can raise your biood pressure and heart rate that may cause cardiovascular diseases.
a deafness b. Loss of efficiency c. Auditory fatigue d. Physical disorder
11. One person's action has the potential to affect others and environment, these actions are better known
a pollutants
b. pollution
c. prph
d. nois pollution
12. Which sound can be consider at noise?
a flying airplane b. whisper
c. soft music
d. humming bird