
Directions: Read the paragraph and choose the most sensible and
thought provoking question suitable.

1. Social distancing or physical distancing is the practice of
purposefully reducing close contact between people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), socialdistancing means avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining distance of at least 1 meter from others

a. Can social distancing save us from Covid-198
b. Why is it important to practice social distancing
c. Does social distancing assures us that we will never be exposed
to the virus?
d. What are the advantages of following social distancing or
physical distancing

2. According to the Department of Health (DOH), COVID-19 is
transmitted when one individual talks, sneezes, or coughs
producing droplets of saliva containing the COVID-19 virus.The
more you come into contact with the droplets from coughs and
sneezes of an infected person, the more likely you are to catch
the infection. To reduce the spread of the disease, it is importantto limit close face-to-face contact with others through Social Distancing

a. Is it applicable even in your own home?
b. Where can you apply social distancing
c. How is social distancing applied in the community
d. Is social distancing necessary even when you are wearing mask
and face shield?

3.Local Government Units (LGUs) are directed to implement the
guidelines on social distancing measures like the cancellation of
classes and school activities, prohibition of mass gathering,
implementation of community quarantine, alternative work
arrangements and social
distancing in public transportation and essential business establishments

a.Is social distancing really effective?
b.Where can you apply social distancing?
c.How can social distancing save us from Covid-19?
d.What are the advantages and disadvantages of social distancing?​