
A, Write F if the sentence states a fact and O if it expresses an opinion
Write your answer on the blank.
1. Cheetah is the fastest land-dwelling creatures. F
2. There seem to be too much testing in private schools._F
3. Japanese food tastes better than French food.
4. Philippines is one of the countries in Southeast Asia. F
5. Many pupils say that Mathematics is the most difficult subject. O
6. There are sixty (60) seconds in one minute.
7. Bataan Province is located in Region III.
8. I would say that music relives stress and makes you focus.
9. I think it is better to have a big family rather than the small one.
10. Corona virus disease was first detected in Wuhan, China.
11. Mt. Mayon is the most beautiful volcano in the world.
12. Skin is the largest organ in our body.
13. Sen. Cynthia Villar is the richest politician in the Philippines,
14. I believe that a good education is important than a good car.
15. In my opinion, children learn best when they are feeling comfortable.
16. Animals need food and water to survive.
17. I think that rules regarding cigarette smoking should be implemented.
18. Millions of people all over the world were affected by Covid-19