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Virtually any kind of physical activity can improve your health, as long as it works your muscles harder than usual, according to the American Heart Association. When it comes to keeping your muscles in top condition, however, exercises that focus on stretching and strength training are essential. After all, if you lose muscle strength and flexibility, not only will your overall health decrease, but you could also lose the ability to easily perform basic tasks like opening jars or getting out of the car.
Strength training works well in many forms. Try easing into a weightlifting routine to challenge your muscles, or use resistance bands several times a week to increase muscle strength. Going to a yoga class a couple of times a week can also help boost your strength and improve your overall health.
If you’ve read up on increasing your fitness level, you know that cardio is an important part of any workout routine. But what’s the best way to get your heart pumping? Running is a great choice for many people, since it elevates your heart rate, moves your muscles, and helps you stay fit. Running can also lower your blood pressure, increase your “good” cholesterol level, and keep extra weight off, all of which can make you a healthier person overall.
Since life insurance applications pay close attention to these kinds of health metrics, adopting a running habit can help lower your premiums. Just make sure that going for a run isn’t a one-off thing. In order for this kind of exercise to have a real impact on your health, it’s important to run several times a week or make it part of your normal workout routine.
Some people are born runners, but others prefer to move at a slightly slower pace. If you fall into the latter group, don’t sweat it. You can still stay in shape and improve your health even if you’d prefer not to log a 10-mile run every morning.
Harvard Medical School recommends walking as a great way to stay in shape, since this type of exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, strengthen your bones, and lower your risk of developing heart disease. Walking can even improve your mood since it can give you space to clear your head. Try to set aside 30 to 60 minutes every day for a walk, and increase your pace over time.
Prefer to do your workout in the water? Swimming is a great full-body workout, because it gets every part of your body moving. Since the water helps keep you afloat, this type of exercise even works well if your joints aren’t feeling their best.
Whether you’re lucky enough to live in an area with year-round swimming weather or your gym has an indoor pool, going for a swim is a great choice. Not only can swimming help you feel healthier and put you in a better mood, but it can also help you take advantage of lower life insurance premiums from Health IQ.
Like running and swimming, cycling is a great way to add in some cardio exercise to your regular routine. Go for a 30-minute bike ride at least three or four times a week, and you could lower your cholesterol level and your blood pressure. This will help make your life insurance application look great, which could lower your monthly premiums.
Not sure if cycling can hold your interest? Mix up the route each time, and you’ll add some excitement to your workout routine while getting in shape.
Not all types of exercise have to look like standard workouts. In fact, there are plenty of ways you can get your blood pumping without going to the gym. Try taking a dance class, joining an outdoor dance group at your community park, or even taking your favorite dance partner to the club.