
1. Any two objects rub against each other cause ______________. *
1 point
A. Gravity
B. Friction
C. Force
D. Energy
2. Which has the greatest friction? *
1 point
A. polished floor
B. sandy floor
C. wet floor
D. tiled floor
3. Which of the following statements best describes friction? *
1 point
A. force that occurs between solids
B. force that occurs in smooth surfaces
C. it is forces that occurs between solids and liquids
D. force that occurs when surfaces touch each other.
4. How can you best reduce friction between the bottom or feet of the furniture and the floor? *
1 point
A. By smoothing the floor
B. By keeping the furniture on its place
C. By applying the lubricants like wax on the floor
D. By putting the wheels or rollers on the bottom or feet of furniture.
5. Which of the following is an example of increasing friction? *
1 point
A. Polishing floor
B. Waxing the underneath ski
C. Squirting oil into the hinge
D. Spreading sand on wet road
6. A friction between two objects that is strong enough which doesn’t allow them to move. *
1 point
A. Static friction
B. kinetic friction
C. sliding friction
D. rolling friction
7. The force between a roller or a wheel and the surface which it is contact with. *
1 point
A. sliding friction
B. B. rolling friction
C. kinetic friction
D. static friction
8. The boat sailing at sea slows down. What kind of friction is acting on it? *
1 point
A. Static friction
B. Rolling friction
C. .Fluid friction
D. Sliding friction
9. Friction is defined as a skidding or sliding motion between two surfaces. *
1 point
A. Static friction
B. kinetic friction
C. sliding friction
D. rolling friction
10. Which shows that friction is undesirable? *
1 point
A. pushing furniture
B. lightning matchstick
C. Walking in the wet floor
D. using breaks when using stoplight
11. What is the direction of the frictional force that acts on an object moving to the left? *
1 point
A. upward
B. downward
C. into the glass
D. away from the glass
12. Which of the following shows the presence of friction? *
1 point
A. cars continuously roll down the hills
B. things fall off on smooth surfaces
C. people stay in place as they move
D. cars stop when the driver steps on the breaks.
13. The boat sailing at the sea slows down. What kind of friction is acting on it? *
1 point
A. it is the force that occurs between solids
B. It is force that only on rough surfaces
C. it is a force that occurs between solid and liquid
D. it is a force that occurs when touch each other.
14. A boy is playing with a toy sledge. In which surface it will travel fastest? *
1 point
A. carpet
B. Rough floor
C. wet floor
D. polished floor

Sagot :

















1.It is a force that occurs only on rough surfaces











12.Sandy Floor





What is Friction? Friction is a force that restricts or stops the movement of two solid objects sliding along each other. The force of friction acts in the opposite direction of a moving object. When two or more objects rub against each other, they cause friction where they touch.

Preventing Friction - In some cases we want to prevent friction so it's easier to move. A good example of this is a ball or wheel. They roll to help reduce friction. Another way to reduce friction is with a lubricant like grease or oil. Machines and engines use grease and oil to reduce friction and wear so they can last longer. Another way to reduce friction is to change the types of materials in contact with one another. For example, ice contacting with steel would produce less friction than rubber would on concrete. This is why ice skates slide so easily on the ice, but you don't slip when wearing rubber shoes on the sidewalk. These different materials are said to have different "coefficients of friction". Using Friction Friction is also a great help to us. After all, we would all just be sliding around everywhere if there wasn't friction to keep us steady. Friction is used in car brakes, when we walk or climb a hill, making a fire, skiing down a hill, and more.

Experiment with Friction - Different types of surfaces create different amounts of friction. Some materials are much smoother than others. Take three flat objects with different types of surfaces. Set them on one end of a tray and slowly lift it. The item with the least friction will start to slide first. There are two main factors that will influence the total amount of friction: 1) the roughness of the surfaces (or the "coefficient of friction") and 2) the force between the two objects. In this example, the weight of the object combined with the angle of the tray will change the force between the two objects. Play around with different objects and see how these two factors change the friction.

Types of friction:

Dry Friction - This is what we've been mostly talking about here. Dry friction occurs when two solid objects touch each other. If they are not moving, it is called static friction. If they are moving, it is called kinetic or sliding friction.

Fluid Friction - Fluid friction involves a fluid or air. The air resistance on an airplane or water resistance on a boat is fluid friction.

Rolling Friction - Rolling friction occurs when a round surface rolls over a surface, like a ball or wheel.

Fun facts about Friction:

Although wheels are great for rolling and reducing friction, they couldn't work without friction. It would be really tough just to stand up without friction. Friction can generate static electricity. The harder two surfaces are pressed together, the more force it takes to overcome the friction and get them to slide. Fluid friction is used a lot in water parks so we can slide smoothly and fast down giant slides.


Rubbing both hands together to create heat.

A sled sliding across snow or ice.

Skis sliding against snow.

A person sliding down a slide is an example of sliding friction.

A coaster sliding against a table.

A washing machine pushed along a floor.

An iron being pushed across material.