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Human being are up of billions of tiny cells. Life begins with just two of these tiny cells - an egg cell from the mother and a sperm cell from the father. When these two cells meet and join together, they form a new cell,and this is the beginning of a baby. The baby grows inside the mother's womb.When a mother has a baby in her womb,she is pregnant.
when the baby is in the mothe's womb,it needs food and oxygen to stay a live. The baby gets this from its mother's blood. Inside the mother, the baby becomes surounded by a bag called an amniotic sac. This bag is filled with waytery liquid which helps to protect the baby.
A round 4 to 5 months, it will be easy to see that the mother is pregnant. The mother's tummy begins to bulge,and the baby's heart can be heard beating through a stethoscope. The process by which the baby is born is called labor or childbirth. The baby is still attached to its mother through an umbilical cord. it is cut and the world welcomes another gift-a human being