
a lunications

b. castration rack

e brooder

d. day old to three weeks
wants and desire

f. entrepreneur

E. notices

h.call emergency hotline

i telephone message form

j. 4 weeks to 8 weeks

11. it is a formal announcement or notification or warning especally of one's intention to
withdraw from an agreement.
12 it is the age of a chick which have a space requirement of 0.3sq.ft./chick.
13. it is a written form where messages are transmitted by telephone
it is a confinement facility for piglets that provides heat with 50 to 100 wattage
15. It extends the life of equipment, allowing friction -prone parts to move
smoothly with less wear.
16 The age of chicks with a minimum feeding space requirement of 5 to 55 cm. bird
1. The basic first and procedure to apply to a person who experience senous talls to mot
move the victim and
18 it is a farm equipment that will prevent piglets from moving when castration activity is
done thus protecting both the animal and farm technician
19 He is a person with leadership skills that need to be seen, persuasive, decisive and
good judgement
20 foods, dothes and shelter are essential needs to man's existente Fashionable dothes
to look good is an example of​