don't answer this if you don't know i will report your answer if you troll again
Activity 1: Identify what is being described. Choose your answer inside the box shown below.
______________ 1. Single-edged steel sword with a handle made of hand carved ivory in a
form of the head of the naga or a serpent, handcrafted gold and hanged
horde hair at the bottom of the handle.
_______________2. The brass casting tradition of the T’boli.
_______________3. A metallic armor made of brass plates, carabao horn and interlocking
_______________4. It is an earthenware vessel for secondary burial from Sarangani.
_______________5. A large manually carved wooden top inlaid with mother-of-pearl. It is used
by adult male to test their skills and strength.
_______________6. The art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract
forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.
________________7. It is a type of fine-grained natural soil material use in making pot.
_______________8-10. The head-shaped covers portray 3 different kinds of facial expressions.