
is any condition in which the nomal structure o funcions of the body damage or impaired.
A. Disease
B. Health
C. Function
D. Domoges
2. A stage where person is most infectious, vogue and nonspections of seose.
A. Incubation Perod
C.Fun Store o llness
B. Prodromol Period
D. Coolescent Stoga
3. A stage where organisms growing and multiplying
A. Incubation Period
C. Fu Stage of illness
B. Prodromo Period
D. Corydescer Sage
4. His referred to the recovery from the infection
A. Incubation Period
B. Prodromal Period
C. Fustage of illness
D. Convolescent stage
5. it is the state of being unhealthy for a corticular disease or situation
A Mortality
C. Morbidity
B. Communicable Disease
D. Non-Communicable Dreoss
6. Another term for infectious agent that is a diseasecourg ocorism
A. Pathogens
C. Non-Communicable secte
B. Disease
D. Communicodle Diseose
is a person with low immunity to diseose
A Portal of Entry
C. Susceptible Host
B. Portal of Est
D. Mode of transmission
is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of way.
A. Mortality
C. Morbidity
8. Communicable Disease
D. Non-Communicable Disease
9. In order to be transmitted, the pothogen leaves the resor or through
A. Portal of Entry
C. Susceptble Host
B. Portal of Exit
D.Node of Transrrisson
from one host to another
10. The pathogen is then passed through a direct or indirect
A. Portal of Entry
C. Susceptbe host
B. Portal of Eat
D. Mode of Transmission​