
Write TRUE the sielement is correct Of FALSE if it is not, write your answers on the space provided
before the given number.

1.All objects ore attracied ioword the center of the carth due to grovily.
2 Grovily is a force that all objects erert but you can really only feel it from big things.
3. Gravity was observed by Albert Einstein
4 Gravity weight, and mass are closely interreloted.
5. Objects seem to be weightless in spoce because of gravity.
6. The amount of friction depends on the weight of the objecis pressing together.
7 When most objects with smooth surfaces rub, there is less friction.
8. The frictional force acts in the direction of motion of the body.
9. The use of friction is owoys Oisodvontogeous.
10. A wet oily rood offers more friction than a dry rough road.​