
__________, just like other waves do have characteristics such as (2) __________, (3) __________, (4) __________, and (5) __________. Other properties are loudness and pitch. (6) __________ is dependent on the frequency of sound wave. The higher frequency the higher the pitch of the sound produced. Organisms like us are capable of sensing sound through our (7) ___________. Just like other organism, our ears do have parts that perform special tasks until the auditory signals reach and are interpreted by our brain. Frequencies beyond the audible to human are known as (8) ___________ (beyond the upper limit) and (9) __________ (below the lower limit). (10) __________ and (11) __________ are quantitative and qualitative descriptions of the energy carried by the wave. (12) __________ __________ waves are intense and are sensed as loud sound. (13) __________ __________ sound waves are soft sound. (14) __________ is a special sound that forms patterns and are appealing to our sense of hearing. (15) __________ refers to the sound quality. Sound quality depends on the combination of different frequencies of sound waves. It is tone of a vibrating medium that distinguishes it from another source.