
the answer sheet
1. The imaginary lines that run from West to East
a. Longitude
2. It is a group of an island surrounded by waters.
b. latitude
c prime meridian
d. equator
a. Country
3. The imaginary line that runs from North to South
b. ecosystem c archipelago d. coordinates
a. Longitude b. latitude
4. It is a kind of rock that forms when magma cools and become solid.
C. prime meridian
d. equator
a. Metamorphic b. igneous
C. sedimentary d. quarts
5. The type of rock that is formed through the change from other type of rocks.
a. Metamorphic b. igneous
c. sedimentary d. quarts
6. It is a type of resources that is used readily.
a. Nonrenewable b. infinite
C. renewable d. biomass
7. It is the word where monsoon came from.
a. Mono
b. mausim
C. cyclone
d. amihan
8. It happens when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky t noon, marked by the longest and
shortest days.
a. Equinox
b. eclipse
c. season
d. solstice
9. It happens when day and night have equal length.
a. Equinox b. eclipse
C. season
d. solstice
10. It is the dark solid conical shadow that thins to a point far into space.
a. Umbra
b. penumbra
C. season
d. solstice
11. It is the lighter conical shadow that broadens out into space.
a. Umbra
b. penumbra
C. season
d. solstice
12. It happens when the moon does not completely move into earth's umbra.
a. Partial lunar eclipse b. Partial solar eclipse
b. Total lunar eclipse
d. Penumbral lunar eclipse
13. It is when the moon is not exactly along the straight line between the sun and the earth.
a. Partial lunar eclipse
c. Partial solar eclipse
b. Total lunar eclipse
d. Penumbral lunar eclipse
14. A type of earth's movement that causes day and night.
a. Eclipse
b. rotation C. revolution
d. evolution
15. A type of season in the Philippines that has no dry season and rain is evenly distributed throughout the
a. Type 1
b. Type II c. Type III
d. Type IV
16. This type of earth's movement can be completed within a year.
b. rotation
a. Eclipse
d. evolution
C. revolution
17. This zone is very cold since the rays of the sun are very slanted.
a. Temperate zone b. Frigid zone
C. torrid zone
d. ozone layer
18. ITCZ means
a. Intertropical convergence zone C. Internal Convergence Zone
b. International code zone
d. Integrated coding zone
19. This is the result of greenhouse gases causing a rise in global temperatures.
a. Greenhouse effect
c. Pollution
b. Global warming
d. Sea Breeze
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