
1. The physical part of a device that consists different peripherals in order to
a. Hardware b. Software c. TCP/IP
d. URL
2. The device should have installed a
that will serve as a
gateway to access information in the internet.
a. MS Word b. Browser c. Search Engine d. URL
a. Transcode Complete Protocolinformation Protection
b. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protection
c. Transfer Control Protocol/ Internet Provision
d. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
4. Which of the following is an example of an Operating System?
a. Instagram b. Ubuntu
c. Node
d. Splint
5. ISP stands for
a. Integrated Support Program
b. Interference Stream Procedure
c. Internet Service Provider
d. Internet Services Provider
6. What is S in HTTPS?
a. Secret b. Special c. Support d. Secure
7. The following are examples of Top-level domain except
a. .edu
C. ph
d. .str/duty.pdf
8. Which of the following is not a protocol use in internet?
a. Fftps:// b. https://
c. mailto://
d. none of these
9. This specifies the type of entity of organization registers on the internet.
a. Top-level domain
b. Subdirectory
b. Second-level domain
d. Subdomain
10. Indicates which particular page of your website the web browser should
serve up.
a. Subdomain b. Subdirectory
c. Protocol d. Scheme
b. .gov

1 The Physical Part Of A Device That Consists Different Peripherals In Order To Function A Hardware B Software C TCPIP D URL 2 The Device Should Have Installed class=