A Read and analyze the questions below. Write only the letter of the correct that best describe each statement on your answer sheet 1. Which symbol in making origami shows that you should start folding your paper with the colored side up? C A. В. 2. This symbol means fold and unfold to create a crease line. B. o 3 D. A. If you want the sides of your paper to rise up from the center fold, what fold should you use? A. C. Shutter Fold Valley Fold B. Mountain Fold D. Burrito Fold 4. What fold is the opposite of the valley fold, and has sides sloping down from the centerfold A. Valley Fold C. Shutter Fold B. Mountain Fold D. Burrito Fold 5. What type of fold should you make use if you want to roll the page up without creating a crease in the paper C. Shutter Fold A. Valley Fold D. Burrito Fold B. Mountain Fold he comect answer​