Sagot :
Less personal contact and understanding.
Network instability and time lag.
Technical issues and employee training.
More stress and less organization.
1.Lack of personal connection
Some customers may feel that video conferencing takes away from the personal touch provided by in-person meetings. However, as technology progresses, the majority of consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with remote communication, including texting, Skype and Apple FaceTime. Younger professionals are especially comfortable with this type of communicating, especially in business settings. Plus, it’s important that your customers realize that video conferencing should be only one aspect of a communication approach. In industries where face-to-face interaction is especially valued, such as sales, video conferencing can simply augment in-person meetings and phone calls, rather than replacing them.
2. Time zone differences
Sometimes video conferencing with people in other parts of the country or world can be difficult simply due to time zone differences. For example, a 3:00 pm meeting in the United States would be the middle of the night in England. Unfortunately, these challenges are inherent to any type of meeting style – not just video conferencing. Be sure to stress to your customers that with video, at least meetings can be done without any expensive and time-consuming travel requirements. And with that flexibility, hopefully end users can get everyone to agree on meeting schedules that are the least disruptive to all involved.
3. Unreliable Technology
Some end users are turned off to video conferencing because they feel the technology is too unreliable. After all, who wants to be in the middle of an important presentation when the video freezes up? Fortunately, video conferencing technology has greatly advanced in the last several years, and it’s now more reliable than ever. Plus, internet connection speeds are continuously increasing, which helps to keep video streaming smoothly.
4. Too much required training
Advanced video conferencing technology requires advanced training, right? Wrong. Today’s video conferencing systems are more streamlined and user-friendly than ever before. If usability is a big concern for one of your customers, address it head-on. Specify products that are easy to use and, when necessary, offer additional training once the system is installed.
5. Too expensive
You’ll probably hear this one from a wide range of customers, because so many people incorrectly believe that video conferencing systems are cost-prohibitive. Of course, as with any technology, there is an initial investment. But video conferencing is unique because it provides a relatively fast ROI, thanks to reduced travel expenses, improved efficiencies, better customer support and more.