
1. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. It is defined as a push or pull that starts, stops or changes the direction of a moving object.
A. Motion B. Force
C. Energy D. Food
2. It is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces sticking or touching together.
A. Gravity
B. Electrical C. Friction
D. Magnetic
3. Which has the greatest frictional force among these surfaces?
A. Polished floor
B. Tiled floor C. Wet floor D. Sandy floor
4. Friction is a force that opposes motion. It acts in the direction of a moving object.
A. same
B. opposite
C. upward
D. downward
5. Which of the following statements best describes friction?
A. It is a force that occurs when surfaces touch each other.
B. It is a force that occurs in smooth surfaces.
C. It is a force that occurs between solids and liquids.
D. It is a force that occurs only on rough surfaces.
6. Where is gravitational force directed as you stand on the floor?
A. upward B. forward
C. backward
D. downward
Which of the following shows the presence of friction?
A. cars continuously roll down hills B. things fall off on smooth surfaces
C. people stay in place as they move D. cars stop when the driver steps on the brakes
8. What is the direction of the frictional force that acts on an object moving
to the left?
A. upward
C. to the right
B. downward
D. to the left also
9. Which of the following statements is not true about friction?
A. it acts upward opposing the pull of gravity
B. it prevents things from sliding off surfaces
C. it keeps things that are in contact with each other
D. it holds objects that are separated by the great distance
10. A delivery man uses wooden ramp when he delivers thus, packages do not slide off
easily making his work take longer. What would be the best way to make the packages
slide easily?
A. make his wooden ramp wider
B. use water on his wooden ramp
C. use a sandpaper to polish and smoothen his ramp
D. make his wooden ramp narrower
11. What is sliding friction?
A. It occurs between two surfaces that come in contact with each other.​